Working with Notecards
Notecards are like a word processed document that you can hand to an individual that contains information.
How to make a notecard:Open your inventory
- Click on "create" in the dropdown menu of your inventory
- The notecard opens and you click into it and start writing
- Click the "save" button once you are finished with writing
- It is recommended to click that "save" button once in a while when you write a longer letter
- Close the notecard (hit the X in the up right corner)
- Look in your inventory for the card called "new note" which you usually find in the recent items tab in the "notecards" folder
- Right click the card and select rename
- Type in a name which you assosiate with the card you just made so you find it again when you need it
How to put pictures, other notecards or a landmark into a notecard:
- Open the notecard you want to fill with pics/cards
- Open your inventory and look for the pic/card you want
- Right click that card/pic and select properties
- Look for the words "next owner can:" and check all boxes under that sentence, so owner can copy, modify and resell/give away
- Drag the pic/card into the notecard and drop it in a place where you want it
How to send a notecard to a person:
- Open the person's profile
- Open your inventory
- Drag the card from your inventory on the person's profile
Simply drag the notecard from your folder onto the person (if they are nearby)
Important hints:
You can uncheck the box "next owner can modify" in the properties of a
notecard which disallows the next owner to change your card
- If you disallow copy or resell functions, the next owner will not be able to view the card anymore.
Changing notecards is different from changing other objects. if you
grant your friend modify rights on your objects then this does not
include notecards.